CDS AA Clinic w /Lilo Fore
The 2019 CDS Adult Amateur Clinic with Lilo Fore was a fantastic experience and I am so happy that I was able to represent the LA Chapter. The clinic was held at Shadow Ridge Dressage in Highland and a total of 12 riders participated. As a clinician, Lilo was absolutely wonderful. Her passion and enthusiasm for teaching was inspiring, and she helped each and every rider/horse combination improve over the course of the weekend. She was demanding and tough, but positive and had a great sense of humor. She focused on having everyone ride truly forward to the bit, correct flexion and bend, and proper rider position no matter what level they were schooling. My horse and I produced some of our best trot work yet, and the clinic helped give me the confidence to ask for more out of my horse. I would encourage every Adult Amateur to apply for the next CDS AA clinic as it was a wonderful weekend of learning and comradery.